Welcome to ZacFields.com. I’m your host, Zac Fields!

So, I’ve owned this domain name since 2002 when I was a Sophomore in high school. This was back before Facebook was invented, back in the day when “social networking” meant starting a blog and putting a link to it in your AOL Instant Messenger profile for all your friends to find. Back then, I had some silly pictures and kept a personal blog on this domain.

For a while, it was strictly a personal finance blog, since personal finance is sort of a passion of mine. Now, I’m using it like a professional networking/personal finance/utility industry/personal blog. I’ll probably leave it like this forever. If I’ve learned anything over the years, it is that I like to write about too many different things to tie myself down to a single subject.

About Me

I’m a finance professional in the utility industry. Right now I’m a Senior Regulatory Financial Analyst for Alliant Energy, where I’ve been working since 2010. My primary responsibility at my job is to analyze and forecast the company’s finances to determine when –and how much– the company needs to raise or lower rates for customers. I’ve also been spending a lot of my time assisting with innovation lately as the utility industry navigates through a new era and a heightened need for innovation.

I would say I have always had a passion for finance, and I have developed a passion for the utility industry. For the latter, there has never been a more exciting –albeit tumultuous– time to be working in the utility industry. Not to wax poetic too much about it, but we are literally changing the world with the decisions we make today in power generation. Renewables are quickly taking front-and-center precedent over everything else and frankly, that makes my job very exciting. I won’t get too deep into it here, but the significance of the work we’re doing in the utility industry just cannot be overstated. It affects us all. Working in the industry, it’s easy to let fear take over. I choose enthusiasm over fear.

In my personal time, I enjoy spending time with my wife Ashley and my young son, Lincoln, along with my two Labrador Retrievers, Baxter and Lola. As I said, I have a passion for finance –particularly personal finance– so I tend to spend a lot of time on that as well. I run a small sports mobile app business as well, and I’m a huge fan of the Dallas Cowboys!

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed on this blog, particularly as they relate to the utility industry, are solely my own and are not representative of the views of my employer, Alliant Energy (Interstate Power & Light). In my job, I am often tasked with submitting testimony on behalf of Alliant Energy to support the company’s positions. Again, my views here are my own.